Not only did i get frontpaged but i also got half of a thousand people to listen to my song?? This, has not made my day, it has easily made my year... I came to releasing this song after a LONG time of it sitting dormant, simply coming to terms with the sheer impossibility of it ever catching on to any popularity, and that's significantly lowered my expectations, allowing me to just post something without worrying if people will think its bad - or if it will just be forgotten. And I honestly thought it would be mostly forgotten, I uploaded this song first to SoundCloud, Newgrounds was a second thought. I only really uploaded here cause I remembered just how much I loved it back when I uploaded my very early music many years ago. So I uploaded it on NG it as an homage to those first experiences. On SoundCloud it is still sitting at 15 views, I did not expect to gain any kind of popularity from either platform, as I did not do any kind of advertising or anything of the sorts (crazy to think that this is what artists need to do in today's society). And to that I am glad to whoever frontpaged me (cause I'm assuming someone has to do it manually), You probably did me the best advertising anything could ever do. And even if it wont last for a much, and my next uploads likely wont reach the same amount of people, I'll still be happy that half of a thousand people listened to my vent, komorebi. It is essentially what I felt throughout 2023, and I released it on the 1st of January to sort of end that chapter of my life and start anew, And so far I am liking the direction it's taking! Thank you very much.